Monday, March 21, 2011

Road Trip: Irish in the Windy City

We arrived downtown Chicago just in time for the St Patrick’s Day parade. It’s not an urban legend – they do color the river green. Owen and Jon decided to explore the city immediately while Eli and Hotel Snob decided to enjoy the Fairmont and its lovely view from our hotel room. After nearly eight hours trapped in the back of an SUV, I was ready for a fluffy bed and a comfy robe…compliments of the dreamy hotel.

Sighing deeply, I sucked in the warm air of a bathroom that included a deep soaking tub and separate shower. They beckoned me. “Soak, dear lady, soak!” screamed the bottle of bubble bath. We left our master bath stripped down to the studs for a quick remodeling job that has taken far longer than anticipated for a women who lives with three males. I entered the quiet sanctuary.

“Mom, look at the people out there with Green beads and hats. Let’s go. Let’s go,” squealed my little man. Good bye bubble bath. Hello windy city.

After spending far too much money on green garb, we spent the afternoon walking, shopping and laughing at the world around us. Pent-up stress washed away with the waves of the green river. For the afternoon, we were Irish.

Owen, my foodie, searched his ‘walking GPS app’ for the closest 5 star restaurant. Oddly enough, it was right in the lobby of our hotel. Fine dining is an imperative when traveling – even with the kids. And my kids have earned the right to eat well while on vacation as cooking is not one of my gifts. Part of the fun is watching the restaurant staff squirm as our quirky little family orders a sophisticated meal although we are clearly tourists – all dressed in Shamrock Chicago-wear. None-the-less we giggled our way through the Foie gras, Gnocchi with Parmesan foam and bacon infused ice cream with molten lava flourless chocolate cake. Not ten minutes after the enormous bill arrived Owen said, "Mom. I'm hungry."

It was a perfect day!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Road Trip - Day One

At 4:40 am, the dirty white SUV pulled out of the short cul-de-sac. I’d been out of bed for exactly 19 minutes. I’d gathered the belongs packed the evening prior and nudged the sleepy 11 and wide eyed 15 year old boys into the cool truck. My hubby entered the vehicle at exactly 18 minutes after the warning bell sounded from the annoying cell phone. His tardiness due to ensuring that everything, including the pug, was in order for our four day trip.

Spring break road trip. This is what the boys coined the 7 ½ hour car ride to Chicago. I dreaded the voyage for months. As a young girl, my parents ensured that I’d step foot in each of the continental 48 states. For weeks and sometimes months, my mom and dad would tuck me into the back of the Malibu Classic as we traveled the country stopping at every road trap possible to enhance the travel experience of a very young girl. The travel bug stuck with me, yet the distaste for spending more than a few hours in a vehicle at one time.

The mix of rain and snow fell on the truck as Jon pulled onto the freeway. The wind from the unexpected storm squealed through the windows as the SUV fled to from lane to lane. I had two choices: close my eyes and drift into a faint sleep or white knuckle my way through the storm. After a brief prayer for safety, I laid my tired head next to my warm young son and fell asleep. Jon and Owen, my two brave men, sat in the front braving their way to our destination.

I awoke about 3 hours later to see my fifteen year old son driving the roads of Wisconsin. “Oh dear Lord, not now.” I prayed. It was time for the white knuckles – yet the snow had subsided. Jon sat shotgun toying with the radio station. He had no concern of the young man’s driving skills. “What next?” I thought. On a well needed vacation, I decided to take a deep breath and pick up the People Magazine to immerse myself in the trouble of Charlie Sheen. At least he isn’t on an 8 hour road trip with a fifteen year old driver.

Jon decided it was time to take the wheel after the third toll road and suburban Illinois traffic heating up. Just in time for a quick bite to eat. The dreaded buffet…Hotel Snob’s nightmare. I was able to dissect that mass amount of canned food to find a few leafs of greenery. “On vacation…this if for the kids. Suck up the germ-a-phob for just awhile.” I thought.

Stay tuned for the green river adventure. Coming soon!!