Sunday, January 17, 2010

Still the "Real Housewife or Arden Hills"

Those of you who know me best, know how much I’ve changed as a human being the past twelve months. Losing my job was truly the best thing to happen to me. It took me six months to decompress from eight years of corporate torture. I’ve finally shed my hotel snob perspective of the world and realize that the lifestyle of an executive had slowly turned me into an arrogant, self centered person. (Many of you have told me that I was never that bad…but inside that’s how I felt.) Work was the center of my life…before my kids, my health and my marriage.

I started my new job in early December. Although it’s a very demanding job, I love it. I promised myself that I wouldn’t let my work take over my life again. I’m proud to state that I’ve accomplished this goal.

It surprises me how much I miss being “The Real Housewife of Arden Hills.” I never planned on being an ‘at home mom,’ but when forced into it, I fell in love with my life. Having me working again has been an adjustment for the whole family. We’ll adjust…just like we do every time our family is thrown a curve ball.

I will miss having the summer off with my boys. Five things I learned from my time off with them:
1. Its 100% ok and normal to sleep in until 11:00 am
2. One can make it through the night without sleeping with a Blackberry
3. Sunbathing is still fun. And, I can still get a tan
4. On average, one can watch Sports Center’s Top 10 plays 5 times before looking for the remote
5. Running 10 miles a day is possible if you work hard enough...even when you can't make it to the end of the cul-de-sac when you first start. (I'll keep you posted on my TV Commercial for the Do Groove campaign.)

Jon still says that I'll always be the "Real Housewife of Arden Hills". At least until the boys are in college and I can finally move somewhere warm.

In my spare time (what’s that???), I’ve been slowly working on finishing my novel. I have it all wrapped up in my head, now to get in down in writing. Next step is to engage an editor and begin the tough process of getting it published.

Thank you all for hanging in there with me. I promise to continue writing.

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