Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Real Beauty

My husband asked me to marry him again a few weeks ago. Ring and everything. He’s an amazing man and I often take that for granted. Although we were married very young and had some rocky times, we’ve stood by each other through thick and thin.

We fell in love all over again when our lives were flipped upside down with our son’s illness. Dealing with the daily demands of caring for a son with Type 1 Diabetes can take a toll on even the strongest relationship. So focused on the care of your sick child, and giving what’s left to your other child doesn’t leave much for a relationship…and even less for yourself.

For me, writing is my therapy…a chance to float into a fantasy world to escape my often tired reality. A chance to imagine a simpler life. A chance to be someone else for awhile. I’m blessed to have many people in my life who have helped me through this tough time and I’m very sorry to those that I’ve inadvertantly hurt with my words on paper.

Yes, Jon. I will marry you again! And yes…I’m brave enough to leave my child behind for a few days so you can sweep me off my feet – even if we have to hire a nurse to care for him. And yes…we will sleep through the night without having to wake up at midnight and 3:00 am to make sure our son is safe. And yes…I will prance around in a slinky bikini all day long.

Seeing the tears in my husband’s eyes as we walked our oldest son into the high school enrollment tonight made me love Jon even more. He’s an amazing father. We’ve learned to enjoy our not so simple life. Our relationship is simple and loving. Real Beauty. Thank you honey!!! I’ll never take you for granted again.

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