Monday, December 6, 2010

Nurture your plant and it will grow

Something occurred to me today while I was throwing old coffee grounds into the kitchen garbage can. The grounds landed directly onto a plant that my husband gave to me as a gift for my birthday just a month ago. The plant was dead. Not surprising as I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever owned. For some reason, I paused. As I looked into the dirty smattering of waste, for the first time I realized that for as long as I can recall, my husband has given me a plant for every birthday, valentines day and anniversary. He often gives fresh flowers as well, but always a plant.

Plants are living things that need to be nurtured and fed to survive. It doesn’t take much. Just a little attention, good lighting and water. Yet as hard as I try, I just can’t keep them alive. Is it because of my busy life? Is it because of my dedicated focus to my children…and waking every day with the prayer, “Dear God…please let me keep my child alive today,”? Is it because I just don’t have a green thumb? The questions burned my head as I poked at the brown, wilted leaves, wondering if it had a chance.

The answer is simple. It’s a complete lack of attention.

So what does this all mean? As I look at the dead plant, a chill runs through me. Is the plant is a metaphor for marriage? If you don’t nurture it with a little attention, it will wilt away. Is this the reason why my husband continues to purchase me these lovely living things? A symbol and reminder to focus on nurturing our relationship.

Why did it take me so long to finally “get it”? The next plant will live on…just like my beautiful marriage.

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