Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beautiful Day

The band U2 made it famous. At least it seemed based on the thousands of 40 somethings surrounding TCF Stadium on the U of M campus yesterday evening prior to the concert. Jon and I loitered across the street as we could clearly hear the band and see them on the large screen without having to invest the $200 just to reminisce our young life together.

One thing you learn quickly as a student at the U of M is how to navigate the system and find the hidden treasures such as free parking and hidden restrooms. We giggled as we walked through the campus holding hands like we were 19 again. Watching the other Gen X’ers pay $20 for parking and standing in a line 100 deep just to use a port-a-potty made me feel that my student loans a 4 ¼ year degree at a Big 10 school worthwhile.

The juxtaposition of the old and new landscape on campus was far more interesting than watching a band of old men play the same tunes I jog to on my iPod. The streets I spent so much time on in my young life are now riddled with Starbucks and other chain restaurants. But the mall holding the most prestigious old lectures halls hadn’t changed a bit. We had to sit on one of the long granite benches and admire the architecture and thousands of minds that had been shaped in the stone hot rooms. I felt as small in the vast beauty of the surroundings as I had so many years ago.

Thanks to my husband’s internal weather radar, he advised we move along after a few songs. We arrived home prior to the storms that washed out the other middle aged fans fun. Although it was so much fun to have a rare two hours alone with my hubby, the real Beautiful Day was today.

Beauty is not definable. That’s why it’s so intriguing. My gut tells me that most people would think that beauty means being an attractive person or an image such as a stunning sunset over the ocean. But beauty is so much deeper than that. True beauty has no description. You just know it when you see it.

Today was a Beautiful Day. A sunny, pleasant day at the Slice of Shoreview. There was a cool breeze, blue skies and no rain. I took my youngest son Eli and his friend “DQ” for an afternoon of goofing around at the community festival playing carnival games, eating junk and hanging out with his friends. Although I’ve been coined ‘a cool mom’ by my boys, I attempted to give Eli a bit of freedom – trying not to lurk about. But I have to admit, I was only steps away most of the time attempting not to stalk my own child.

As much as I’ve tried to give Eli his space, my motherly intuition told me not to leave him today. It’s a tough time in our lives as he’ll be going to middle school in just a few short weeks. Three years after his diagnosis with Type 1 Diabetes, I know that its time to let go a little and give him some freedom to begin managing his disease on his own. But as a mother, it’s just so difficult. I still know the consequences of even a small mistake, but I also know that its time for me to grow up along side him. So for a few minutes, I contemplated leaving my young man at the festival with his cell phone and a few dollars. But, something in my heart said no! Don’t leave him. I’m not sure if it was God or Mother’s Intuition, but I stayed with him…at least in eye’s shot away.

Thanks to my intuition, it was a Beautiful Day. I thank the Lord that I was there when his blood glucose hit 25. The lowest it has ever been. The scariest it has ever been for me. After quick thinking, a lot of sugar and the calm voice of my husband on his cell phone, he is just fine.

My words to all of you today. Always, always, always follow your gut!!

So in the words of U2:

It’s a Beautiful Day.

Don’t let it slip away.

Friday, July 8, 2011

To write or not to write? That is the question.

Many of you have asked why I’m not blogging. I’m flattered that you enjoy my writing. It’s my true release. The characters and stories are still in my head screaming to be let out on paper. Some fiction and some real. I’ve dabbled a bit with editing my novel - even went as far as posting the first chapter to a forum of writers for a critique. That was a big step for me as I exposed my true passion to professionals.

The reviews were mostly positive. I was told by professional writers that I have raw talent and beautiful voice. Although my first time writer mistakes were revealed, most critics begged me not to give up. So I won’t. That said, my blog will have to take a nap for a few more weeks while i pull out the novel and continue the painful process of editing.

I have a few stories tucked away that I’ll pull out and post in the near future.
Thanks to all of you for your support.
