Friday, July 8, 2011

To write or not to write? That is the question.

Many of you have asked why I’m not blogging. I’m flattered that you enjoy my writing. It’s my true release. The characters and stories are still in my head screaming to be let out on paper. Some fiction and some real. I’ve dabbled a bit with editing my novel - even went as far as posting the first chapter to a forum of writers for a critique. That was a big step for me as I exposed my true passion to professionals.

The reviews were mostly positive. I was told by professional writers that I have raw talent and beautiful voice. Although my first time writer mistakes were revealed, most critics begged me not to give up. So I won’t. That said, my blog will have to take a nap for a few more weeks while i pull out the novel and continue the painful process of editing.

I have a few stories tucked away that I’ll pull out and post in the near future.
Thanks to all of you for your support.


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