Saturday, December 10, 2011

Grayson 2011 Holiday Greeting

Twas the night before Easter

And Grandma proposed

A Christmas trip to the tropics

As we all froze

We dream like Clark Griswold of a brand new pool

But no Christmas bonus, for the day-dreamy fool

Labadie, Falmouth, Grand Cayman, Cozumel

We wonder if it will be Heaven or Hell

We’ll be on a deck chair on Christmas Day morn

Celebrating in paradise that our Savior was born

Family time, warm breezes and much Holiday Cheer

What a grand way to celebrate Christmas this year

Before we set sail on our 154,000 ton boat

Wanted to share a short Grayson note:

Owen in 10th grade, no more kicking back

“Buck up” said Coach Ziggy and quit talkin’ smack

From basketball to baseball to Golf league just think

In two months, we won’t miss car-pool-post-practice stink

Almost 16, dreams big like Mazaradii, Ferrari

But all Dad could say was “Owen…I’m sorry.”

Eli the tween’er went to middle school

Gets ear infections from the Chippewa pool

Little League awarded him the ‘strongest arm champ’

And then spent a week at JDRF Needlepoint Camp

Enjoys Wyld Life with friends and signing in choir

Still sets the b-ball court on fire

Hotel Snob wished she had more time to write

But work and the boys leaves no time at night

Still trying so hard to learn how to cook

Year without kitchen fire thinks she’s now ‘off the hook’

Jon likes to write stuff and walk the dog

He’s waiting for Kristy to teach him to blog

Volunteer chauffer is nearing the end

Chaplain work & church his time to lend

Bosco Bear Pug is another year older

Willing to perch on any warm shoulder

Like most Pugs he’s not very smart

But he’ll weasel his way into anyone’s heart

End of summer is never a joy

So we found a way to hang with the boys

Thanks to frequent-flier miles we got ‘r done

Off to San Fran for some family fun

Fisherman’s wharf, Muir Beach, but no tan

Eli asked, “Mom, what’s that guy got in the back of his van?”

We love the questions of innocent boys

And fondly remember the house full of toys

But growing up is what they do

And we’re blessed to know their inner-Who

We teach them LOVE always conquers hate

And all great things are worth the wait

They (and we) know GOD lives in our heart

And that HE loves us and keeps us, so we’ll never part

To you we wish a happy blessing, and a Merry Christmas!

The Graysons (Jon, Kris, Owen & Eli)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wonderful insights and the tales of the Graysons!

    Have a blessed Christmas ....

    John Hakes
