Thursday, November 19, 2009

Miracles Do Happen

Less than two weeks ago I hit bottom. Although I’ve been plugging away on my novel and feeling great about the progress, it dawned on me that I can’t stay unemployed forever. As much as I want to continue to be the “Real Housewife of Arden Hills”, it’s just not an option for us for much longer.

After eleven months and 132 job interviews, the most promising opportunity I had for a great job imploded that morning. It would be another twelve months before they could legally hire me.

I lay on the couch paralyzed with fear and self doubt. Again, worry filled my mind about the mortgage payment, finances and my sanity. My husband attempted to convince me over and over that everything was going to be okay. He’s a wonderful provider for our family, but my mind had already taken over.

The next morning, Jon pulled my limp body out of bed and demanded that I get up and go to my weekly Bible study. He told me “Just let it go…give it to God. He’ll take care of us.”

After serious prayer and buckets of tears I let go of my fear that morning. Strangely, an immense sense of peace entered my soul.

I went to bible study that morning. Just after my friends prayed for my job search, the miracle happened. I turned on my cell phone and a voice mail was waiting for me. My former company agreed to let me move forward with discussions with the competing company. I could now legally work there. I wouldn't have to wait another year.

Less than a week later, I had a job offer doing the work I love. Best yet, its less than two miles from home - right across the street from my youngest son Eli’s elementary school. (No worry about being far from him should an issue arise with his health.)

At a time when I thought there was no hope left, I put it in the hands of God and he answered.

This time…it’s the right time to go back to work. I start my new job on December 7th.

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