Saturday, November 7, 2009

Searching for Small Miracles

Miracles are on my mind this week - mostly because I just experienced a huge one. I hope to be able to share it with you soon.

Nearly eleven months ago I would’ve laughed out loud if someone said I’d still be unemployed at this point. The laugh would likely have been followed with enormous fear, then tears. Since then, I’ve learned so much about real life. I learned to stop and look at my surroundings. See the world differently. See the person I once was. The person I am again. This alone is a miracle.

Inside my red journal – the gift provided to me by my dear friend Cindy and the inspiration for my writing, I’ve begun to keep a list of the small miracles that have happened in my life during my journey of being unemployed. When I feel backed into a corner or compelled to feel sorry for myself, I break open the miracle page from the journal and look at all that God has done in my life.

Here is a miracle that I’d like to share:

Last January, after I lost my job my and husband Jon was still unemployed, we had no health insurance. Cobra was an option but the monthly payment was over $1,200. Our goal was to make it as long as possible without any doctor’s appointments or refilling Eli’s medication for his Type 1 Diabetes. Financially, we needed to hold off on Cobra as long as possible. Terrible goal to have, right? Plus, we only had thirty days of Insulin left for Eli. Eli needs Insulin to stay alive. Now, imagine our fear as parents.

My oldest son, Owen had a basketball in tournament in Anoka, MN. As always, I planted myself in the midst of the fans, yet only this time there were no seats left with the parents on our team. I sat next to a young mother of the opposing team. She had a young boy and girl with her on the small bench. Like many moms she toted backpacks and other necessities to keep her children entertained while her seventh grade son played his game. It just so happened that my son Owen was guarding her son.

For a moment, the young mom looked frazzled, frantically looking through her daughter’s Barbie Backpack. Then she looked at me and said, “I don’t know you…but would you mind watching my stuff. My daughter is a Type 1 Diabetic and I need to go to the concessions and get her a snack. She’s having a low blood sugar.” “Of course I will,” I responded to the mom as she rushed her dizzy daughter out of the gym.

What a strange coincidence I thought. My youngest son Eli had just been diagnosed with Type 1 six months prior. When the young mother came back to her seat she thanked me profusely. I let her know that I completely understood her struggles, as I deal with the daily demands of being a parent of a Type 1 myself. After a long conversation, she told me that her daughter had recently received an insulin pump and no longer needed injections. I longed to get Eli an insulin pump but knew that it would have to wait for our family to be on our feet again with health insurance.

The mom, and instant new friend, asked me what type of Insulin Eli used. It happened to be the same regime that her daughter used prior to receiving her new pump. They also had the same Endocrinologist from Children’s Hospital in St. Paul.

Then….the miracle happened. She had a six month supply of Insulin that her daughter wouldn’t be able to use with her pump. The very next day, I met the young mom in Hugo, MN, just twenty minutes north of my home in Arden Hills. She proudly gave us the six month supply of insulin.

There is no doubt in my mind that God placed this young mom in our life for a reason. At a time and place where I’d least expect it. God supplied us with the needed insulin for Eli. He also provided Jon a new job two weeks later so we could avoid the $1,200 monthly Cobra payment altogether and Eli could see his doctor again.

My point is friends and fans…please look for the small miracles in your life. They happen every day. Not always as significant as six months of free medication to keep your child alive, but the little miracles that bless us each day.

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