Friday, April 9, 2010

Novel coming to end.....

It’s strange. The notion of finishing my novel is crazy to me. Partly because the characters in my head are so real and vivid. It seems like finishing the novel is like killing off a part of me. This is a concept that most people don’t understand. Although I lead a completely normal life, my imagination can get the best of me. Thank goodness I have my writing. An outlet to let the characters in my head come to life.

Good news is that due to some great counseling of friends and my writer’s club, I have a sequel ready to be written. Thanks to all of you who have read my work and provided feedback. For many of you, it’s been painful; hard to decipher the difference between fact and fiction. Please know that my writing is fiction. Loosely based on my life’s experiences, but completely a work of my imagination.

Once my novel comes to a finale, hopefully in the month or two, I’ll begin the painstaking process of getting published. My goal is to fund my boys’ college education. I’ll count on you and your friends to make this a reality.

Hotel Snob (BTW…the name of my sequel.)

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