Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Novel is Complete

I have some great news to share. Tonight, I’ve FINALLY finished my novel. Each one of you has touched my life in a special way. Whether you are aware or not, you’ve been an inspiration to me. Thank you!

For those of you that have painstakingly endured this long journey with me, I give you great thanks. As you know, my life during the past eighteen months has had a series of ups and downs that cannot be explained. My writing was therapy; and you’ve touched my soul.

For those of you that I’ve inadvertently hurt with my words on paper, please forgive me. Even though in so many ways you’ve influenced my writing, my words are fiction…a complete figment of my imagination. And trust me….sometimes my imagination has pushed me close to the edge, often slipping into character. I’ve heard this is a sign of a good writer…but none the less, it’s very scary.

All that said, I’ll be editing for awhile. Then searching for a good agent.

I love you all!

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