Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Isn’t it funny how we wish for what we can’t have. For me, it’s often time alone. No work. No commitments. No car-pool. No boys… Simply time to decompress.

No boys! What am I thinking? I’m sitting here alone in a quiet house while my husband and youngest son are taking a boys-only vacation to northern California and my oldest son is at basketball camp. I fool myself into thinking how peaceful it will be to lavish myself with a bottle of wine and the remote control. Cable TV with no Sports Center. A chick flick purchased On-Demand. Yet I sit here alone… clearly alone.

And what am I thinking about? I think about my boys…. I think about my husband sitting next to me playing with my hair. I think about my little guy who wants nothing more than to hug me. I think about my teenager who loves to grunt at everything I say to him.

I think about how blessed I am. How I take for granted the three gifts that God has given me. The text I receive from Owen before he signs off for the night makes me smile. The sound of Eli’s voice telling me the intimate details of how Daddy almost drove off the cliff into the ocean. The sound of Jon’s voice so calm and loving when he sighs, “I miss you Bunny.” The man who loves me more than anything in the world. I am blessed. I am so blessed.

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