Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Case of the Missing Lawn Mower

It’s a beautiful summer night in Minnesota. One of the rare occasions where one can sit on the deck with a glass of wine and no mosquito repellent. As I ponder the great day I had with my 14 year old son Owen, it occurred to me looking at the weed ridden lawn that I’d struck a deal with the young teenage boy.

“Hey Owen,” I said to him in my motherly voice. “It’s time to mow the lawn.” There was a mild grunt..but just a quick one this time as he remembered our pact. Just two weeks ago he picked out the absolutely had to have LTC HD2 smart phone with a required monthly internet fee. Ah yes…the catch. He had to mow the lawn twice per week to keep the phone and the internet service. Yes…I get it. I’m a big push-over…but that’s another story for another evening.

So off went the 14 year old with an ever so slow intention of moving the lawn. Still sitting on the deck with my glass of wine and my novel (still editing for those of you that care), I see Owen pacing from garage to back yard up to the front yard back to the back yard. Then he sits on the comfy deck chair. Lawn mower’s gone,” he says without worry. “What do you mean the lawn mower is gone?” I respond. “Yup…no lawn mower the garage. No lawn mower in the back yard. Guess I get the night off,” he smirks.

Of course my first instinct is to contact my husband who is in California with my youngest son. No answer on his ‘smart phone’. So as I sit here on the deck with a weed filled lawn and an unresponsive 14 year old. Where in the Hell is the lawn mower?

Tune in for more….

P.S. Jason…don’t freak out…I’m sure there is a perfectly good explanation of the missing lawn mower. Call my hubby’s cell phone. He just may pick up for you. Ugh…

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