Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life is a Fairy Tale

Once upon a time…

Is that the way I really look at life?  Well, Eli thinks so.  On day three of our Miami vacation, Eli laid it on me.  He asked, “Mom, why do you see life as a fairy tale?”  Completely taken aback by his comment I asked back, “Why do you think that?”  He paused and looked around the café and said,   “Because, you are always looking for the story in everything.”  At that point I realized that he is right.  I’m a dreamer.  And dreamers, dream.  They have characters in their head just waiting to come out to make reality out of nothing…simple things, magical things.

Sitting at the small table, munching on our Greek salad and three egg omelet, I had been commenting on a middle aged couple that was seated outside of the restaurant.  I was telling Eli their story when he interrupted me with his question.  Their life wasn’t a fairy tale…at least not in my head and the way that I played out loud their pain to my young son. 

Later, he stopped me again as I let out a sigh on our walk through the quaint two block neighborhood of Espanola Way.  The shops were simple and charming.  The street lined with beautiful trees and strategically placed flower baskets.  The smells of Latin food filled my soul as I stopped to remember this moment with my young son. 

And even though Eli was right that I am a dreamer and I sometimes see life as a fairy tale.  It was a fairy tale that afternoon.  As we pretended we were native Italians eating a grand lunch at the charming restaurant, for that moment I’ll always remember sitting with him sipping a glass of Prosecco, munching on the best pizza I’ve ever eaten and enjoying his company, and most of all our laughter.  Pure reality.

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