Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Trouble in South Beach

A few months ago Eli reminded me that this year he was to celebrate his Golden Birthday in October.  He also reminded me of a promise I made to him many years ago.   I would take him on a special Golden Birthday trip.  This included a long weekend anywhere in the continental US.  The location of his choice.  To my surprise the 12 year old had been planning his special trip for some time.  The location choice was easy.  He wanted to either see a Miami Dolphins or Miami Marlins game.  With the inaugural season of Marlins Park, the choice between the two nearly made itself.  So research on where and when started soon after.

South Beach with a 12 year-old boy?  In July?  Was I nuts?  No way…I was up for the adventure.  Nothing is more important to me than sucking every moment that I can from my boy’s childhood and making memories that will last a lifetime for them.  One on one time with each boy is extremely important for Jon and I.  So while I’m in South Beach with Miami, Jon will be on a road trip to Cedar Point in Ohio with three sixteen year old young men.  Good luck to yah, honey!

A few things that good moms need to prepare for in South Beach:
  1. Have the topless beach talk with your kid.  Although we were lucky not have been exposed by this while on the beach, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for the conversation.
  2. Do your research on hotel spots.  Ocean Drive hotels are far too small, don’t have pools and a bit ‘cheesy spring break’ atmosphere.  Plus, you won’t get the pristine ocean access that you’d expect.  We stayed at the Kimpton Surfcomber Boutique Hotel.  It was spectacular.  Not too many rooms, but large enough for two people.  The pool and cabanas are lovely and the access to the white sand beach is right out the back door.
  3. Watch your teenage girls on the beach.  I’ve been blessed with two boys.  If I had a teen aged daughter, I’d keep her out of South Beach.  A tall, dark and handsome club promoter sought out the two 18 year old pretty girls next to us on the beach, took their cell phone numbers and ensured he would get them into the club at 1:00 am – even if they were not 21.  Of course, they were instructed to wear short dresses and high heels.  Very scary and they fell for it.
  4. Know your way around town.  Find your hot spots to visit before you go.  (Art Deco, Espinola Way, Lincoln Road Mall and Ocean Drive.)  Your feet and taxi budget will thank you.  Don’t bother with a rental car as parking is in short supply and expensive.  You’ll spend far more on parking fees than your rental car.  Take a cab!
  5.  Gratuity is included in your bill.  Don’t make the mistake of paying your tip twice.  You’ll notice that service in most restaurants isn’t that great.
Luckily, we had no trouble in South Beach…but some adventure.  More to come.

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