Monday, September 6, 2010

How can my baby be in high school?

Fourteen years ago I could scoop him up with one hand. He was three weeks early and has never been a minute late to anything in his life. Tonight, watching my six foot one inch son lay on the living room floor checking his Facebook page, I can’t help but tear up. What happened to my baby? In less than a split second he’s all grown up.

I pour my sorrow into writing as my huband nests. Tiding up the Owen’s room, organizing his clothes into fits and doesn’t fit piles. I know watching our son enter high school pains my husband even more. The only time I’ve ever seen my husband cry is the day he placed Owen on the school bus to go off to Kindergarten. Seeing his little buddy grow up is truly unbearable for him. They spent the entire day alone together. Therapy for the two of them.

As I watch Owen, I’m so proud of the incredible young man he’s become. Although he inherited his laid back and shy nature from me, he has the passion and energy of his father. He’s an amazingly caring person and a protective big brother; a young man that often has to take back stage and second place in a not so simple household.

Owen, we won’t be putting you on the bus tomorrow, but I guarantee that Daddy and I will be with you in your heart. Live your high school years with dreams for the future, love for today and lots and lots of giggles.

I love you puddin’ boy!! Mama


  1. Kris, I love reading your blogs. You are such a great writer. The trip you had with Owen in New York is a memory for a lifetime. Now he starts high school. Owen & Eli are so very lucky to have such wonderful parents. Love you all! LeaAnn

  2. Now you've got me in tears!!! What a touching entry, Kristy (you & Jon have done a great've got wonderful kids)!

    Now...imagine what kind of fun they can get into...just like we did?!?!

