Saturday, September 18, 2010

Princess for a Day

When I was a young married lady at the young age of 23, I had my life’s plan all worked out. I was to be a grand career woman and would have one beautiful daughter by the age of 30. Well, I was able to accomplish more than a great career and I had my first child by 28, but he wasn’t a girl. He was a boy, Owen, and I loved him from the moment I laid eyes on him. He was and still is…the most beautiful child in the world. After I had my first beautiful child, I knew that he needed a sibling. It just wouldn’t be fair to this extraordinary young man to not have someone to experience life with. At age 31, my second son Eli came along. Since then, I’ve had two beautiful boys and I wouldn’t change it for anything!!!

Since my two boys came along, I never had a desire to have a little girl. My two boys and husband were all that I needed. I wouldn’t change it for the world. My hubby, on the other hand, would have a dozen more children and would give ANYTHING for a little girl. But to his dismay, God has made the decision that I should only have two children. Although we’ve considered adopting a little girl for many years, we’ve just decided that our three men and one not so young lady were all that we need.

Life with two boys and a lovely man is all that I know. I married my wonderful husband right out of college and lived at home until my wedding day. All that said, nearly my entire adult life has been surrounded by men. And with my laid back nature…the men rule the roost. I don’t mind…. Yet sometimes, just sometimes…I wonder what life would be like in a household with another female.

There are days when I crave non masculine attention; wishing that my court of men would notice that I am different, a real lady. It’s hard to put my finger on what this all means…because I really don’t know any other way. One thing that I can say is that there is nothing pink, flowery or remotely feminine in my house. Sporting goods, pool table, video games and smelly shoes are scattered about my household. It doesn’t bother me. Again…I just don’t know any better.

When the invitation addressed to: Princess Kristy Grayson came in the mail I nearly held my breath. It was a beautiful invitation to a Princess Party for my lovely friend Jen’s four year old daughter Lillith. I was so touched that my friend completely understood that I had never attended a young ladies birthday party. I’ve never experienced wearing a crown and frilly clothes to an all girl party. I’d looked forward to the event for weeks.

The best part of preparing for the princess party was the shopping trip focused on a four year old girl. Believe it or not…I’ve never shopped for a young girl. It was heaven. I could barely refrain myself from purchasing a cart full of pink and purple goods. But I settled on a pink frilly princess dress, pink pumps that light up when one walks and a pink puppy veterinarian kit. Because every princess deserve a great career, right?

The party was amazing. All of us were wore lovely dresses, crowns, boas and lots of bling. We danced to eighties music and ate PB&J sandwiches. For three hours, I was in another world. A world that I’d never experienced. Since I wasn’t ready for the party to end, I proudly pranced around my home the rest of the day in my princess bling as if I were the Queen. And my boys just giggled. Someday…they’ll get it. One can only hope.

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