Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mom Again

I realized how much I truly love my boys during the nearly one year sabbatical (that’s what I call unemployment now) that was forced on me. At the time I thought my life had come to a near stop. My adult life was consumed by the desire to be an executive, make more money than necessary and have the lifestyle of a true Hotel Snob. I was snowed by corporate prosperity.

I am so blessed to have a job that I love. A job that makes me wonder how on earth I get paid for doing the work that I’ve only dreamt about. It was worth the wait. It was worth the year long anxiety of not knowing where I’d land. But now, it seems that I couldn’t ask for a better working experience. There are clear reason why I believe God placed me in my current employer, but I’ll save that story for another time.

Today, I am just so happy to be a mom again. This summer, I decided to take another sabbatical. This time, it meant leaving my sons with a nanny while I went to work each day. What’s strange is that for some reason the laid back lifestyle of my kids (which I wanted…and they deserve) this summer, left me with a hole that I wasn’t a good mom. Our nanny, who is wonderful, took my place as mom for the summer. I didn’t need to worry about activities, car pool and entertainment. She took care of it all…in a superb manner. She even took great care of my son with Type 1 Diabetes….not an easy task. With her caring for my kids, I was able to let go.

Now that summer is over, life is back to its complicated self.

Just yesterday, I drove to and from the High School three times for my Freshman son. Soccer for my little guy. The orthodontist, etc… I’ve made lunches, elaborate breakfasts to ensure that my little men’s tummies are full for the day and packed snacks to ensure the teenager doesn’t pass out from lack of food. Although I am exhausted as heck…I feel like a real mom again.

I love my kids. I love my husband. I love my life.

It truly is the simple things in life that mean so much. I’m thankful to have my title a “Mom” back again.

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