Friday, October 16, 2009

The Big Five Goals of Unemployment

My husband encouraged me to start this blog. He’s seen first-hand how writing has transformed me – mind, body & soul. It’s taken me to new levels of personal understanding – even more so…levels of complexity within me that I’ll never understand. Writing has become an addiction. It seems that thoughts and words come down on paper (laptop) so naturally. I have to remind myself to STOP – so I don’t go insane – or slip into my old habits of being a workaholic mother.

In four short months, I’ve nearly completed my first novel. (See goal #1 below.) I look forward to sharing excerpts with you soon.

On a personal note as it relates to my alter ego ‘Hotel Snob’, below are the five major goals I set for myself the first day of unemployment. Now, nine months later, I’ll share with you little by little my progress toward these goals.

1. Reflect on my past so that I can make better decisions about the future;
2. Learn to allow my husband to provide for us;
3. Experience ‘real’ motherhood;
4. Get that smokin’ hot body that I had before years of corporate torture;
5. Lose my ‘hotel snob’ alter ego and reprioritize my values.

Thanks for reading.

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