Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Three Mile Trance

Recently, I realized that I have two new addictions in life…writing and running. When I lost my job several months ago, one of my five goals was to get fit again. To be exact Goal #4: Get that smokin’ hot body that I had before years of corporate torture. Easier said than done.

Something called C6/C7 Radiculopathy got in my way the first few months - but nothing that a twenty-something doctor, hot physical therapist and a six inch needle in my neck loaded with a steroid injection so strong it made me pass out couldn't fix. Now…I was ready to take on the challenge.

Why running? It’s the perfect excuse to get out of the empty house. A basement full of gym equipment just wasn’t going to cut it this time. I proudly left Body by Jake, Chuck Norris, and my desperately needed elliptical and spinning machines behind. I needed to get out. With less than fashionable running clothes and new pair of Assics, I was ready for action.

My quest to run began just as the snow started to melt. Quite a challenge, I couldn't even get to the end of our cul-de-sac. Many four letter words were uttered those first few weeks as I am a less than patient person when in competition with myself. One thing was for certain, with all of the life changing events that happened to our family over the past six months, my body was the only thing that I had control over. In the beginning, my body controlled my mind which irritated the blank out of me.

But then, day by day, I could run a little further. Run a block, walk a block. Run a mile, walk a mile. Run five miles. Run ten miles. It was absolutely crazy how a little drive and persistence could lead to something amazing. The stress (and pounds) dripped away mile by mile.

I discovered the drug of endorphins, the runner’s high. A feeling so unbelievable. It kicks in miraculously at mile three. I call it the Three Mile Trance – the perfect point in time when the mind begins to control the body. Running never gets easier. Every day I tell myself…just one mile…just one mile. The first three are hell, but then it’s pure ecstasy.

Words of wisdom to those of you looking to take the leap into getting fit: You can change your body. One block at a time. Start slow and don’t give up!

P.S. Running is not pretty! Just ask my feet. Broken toe-nails, blisters, bruises, swollen ankles. It’s all worth it.

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