Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome to Hotel Snob!

Why Hotel Snob? Well, it’s just a nickname given to me by former colleagues. Plus, I’m a marketer…why not choose a clever name for my blog?

So what is hotel snobbery? Ask anyone who spends more than 30% of their life in a hotel room. Here is my definition:

ho⋅tel snob⋅ber⋅y [hoh-tel] [snob-uh-ree]
–noun, plural -ber⋅ies.

Origin: The New Millennium
1. snobbish character, conduct, trait or act related to travel experience
2. altered state of mind fueled by excessive luxury
3. inability to decipher between fantasy and reality

For those of you still trapped in this reality, there is an amazing life beyond First Class upgrades, frequent flier miles, five star dining and luxury accommodations. A life over flowing with rewards so fulfilling it will surprise you – when you least expect it.

  • The beaming smile of a nine year-old when you tell him that you are staying home to be with him during summer break.
  • Attending every sporting event in which your thirteen year-old participates – without a laptop or Blackberry.
  • Feeling like a young teenager in love every time your husband walks through the door from a long day of work.

Come along with me on the journey of discovering the next stage of my life.

1 comment:

  1. I love your last 3 points of enjoyment It makes me want to laugh/cry. My definition of a great book or movie is something that can make me laugh and cry at the same time! I guess a great blog would does that to...

    Love Ya
    Your Niece
